
Donations give us the opportunity to purchase the medical supplies required to spay/neuter, vaccinate, treat for fleas, ticks, ear mites, deworming, antibiotics and other necessary medications/veterinarian care, plus litter, food, kitten replacement milk, and of course clean a shelter for our rescue cats and kittens. Stopping overpopulation and removing stray cats/kittens from the streets is the key to ending the suffering of abandon homeless pets. (Donations are tax deductible.)

Our wish list

  • Cat food and kitten food, both hard and soft (Purina Cat Chow or Kitten Chow)
  • Soft/wet cat and kitten food (helps put weight back on strays)
  • Kitten replacement milk
  • Scoopable cat litter and clay cat litter
  • Cleaning supplies: bleach, paper towels, laundry soap, OdoBan, etc.
  • Monetary gifts for medical care such as spaying/neutering, vaccinations and preventive medical care (e.g., flea & tick preventative/treatment, ear mites treatment, antibiotics, de-worming medications, etc.)

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